I'm a writer.....So, what now?

Since I first ever came known to this beautiful google, I have wanted to write a blog post, but the questions always consisted of: How will I write it, or what if they absolutely hate it? However, after a sudden realization, I realized that it does not matter what people think. If you want something in life, then you should do it. I realized that if you want to be an astronaut, but yet your parents are telling you to be a doctor: Who cares, right? At the end of the day, all that should matter is what you believe, and what you want to be in life. You are in control of you and nobody else.
So, I started this blog to write. I have a lot of creativity build up inside my head, but the main thing that is there is my ability to have a message. This blog is merely and morally to talk about life in general. What is life? How can I achieve my purpose in life? What if I have depression? What now? Etc... It is to teach a lesson, or whatever that means, about the things people can do to achieve their goals, or to just learn something about how the world works.  
To begin, I would like to say that life is weird and crazy. I mean---we have Alabama going on an abortion ban law. That in general is against all constitutions rights of the first amendment (freedom of speech, press, and assembly), and the equal protections clause. Don't women have the right to choose whether they want to keep a child, or not? Now, don't get me wrong, I am Christian, but what I believe in is that everyone has a choice. Everyone has their own choices, and most importantly free will. You can choose to either go to school everyday to get a good education, or to miss few days out of the weeks, expecting to fly by, making excuses along the way, not even realizing that you are damaging your education, and even so much so that you are causing destruction upon your life. Do you see the point I am trying to make? Everyone has a choice: GOOD choice or BAD choice, but it is up to you to decide whether you want the easier route, or the much harder route.
So, everyone has a choice. Women should have the right to choose to either abort, or keep their baby. I am not saying whether I am for or against abortions. No, I am restating what I said earlier. My opinion does not matter in this stance. What should matter is your own opinion and your own actions. The way you respond to something like this do have damaging consequence. Just think about how a comedian career, Kathy Griffin, ended just because she posted posted a photo of herself holding up a Donald Trump mask which made it to look like a severed head. This ended her career. No-one wanted to sign her own, or even book her gigs. All she was doing was making a joke, right? Well, think about that question the next time you decide to mistreat or bully the weaker kid all because of what? They don't live up to the standards you perceive them as, or what? They don't "fit" in the crowd that you hang out with? Is it because they are nerds, or "wannabe's"? No, seriously! Tell me, I would truly love to know what is it that makes it okay to make what you consider as "joke", but really it is not, okay? Watch what you say. Watch what you do. One day it will come back and bite you, because that is how life is: weird and crazy. Very unpredictable and unexpected. Just please do be careful.


  1. i love it and you should doing this i hope to see more off it


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