
Faith Vs. Fear: Coronavirus edition

So, I haven’t written in awhile. Not since last year as it seems. I decided to take a step back to focus on my studies for a bit. I will mention that I have published my book Obstacles which will be found below if you are interested to read. It is just a collection of poems about the struggles of life and getting through their struggles. Okay, now that advertising is out of the way, it is time for me to write.  Coronavirus . That is the topic of discussion for today's subject. It started in Asia in 2019 and has found its pathways around the world and into the United States of America. With Congress working hard (And yes I say Congress because our President is NOT doing this, but instead took credit for most of the successes of other people and blaming others for his failures), they have yet to still find a viable cure to stop this pandemic. So, in the midst of this crisis, many countries resorted to lockdown from some countries being a real lockdown to some being going out t...

Self-care is important!!!

It is best to write your thoughts and feelings out in a journal I am going to start this post off by telling a story. This is a story of  a young girl who went through high school. She started off as a freshman being scared of all the teachers surrounding her. She was scared to speak, to move, or even to think. This young girl was bright for her age, but yet she did not believe it to be so. Although she was afraid of her teachers, she still tried to go to them for help, even if she could not look them in the eye. Then, sophomore year turn around for the worst for her. She did meet some really cool people, whom she did become great friends with, but her mental state was soaring for the worst. She kept having these thoughts like: You will never amount to anything. Those people don’t care about you. Say thank you to the people that deserves it the most. Tell one person how much you mean to them, or even show it by giving something away. Actions do speaks louder than words...

I graduated!!! What now?

So this was supposed to be posted three days ago, but my busy schedule prevented me to. Things are just really hectic on my end, which is why I am only going to do about two to three post a week. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I graduated!!! Talking about graduating...Graduations are lit, man!!! No, seriously, they are lit . There are so many different scholarships awarded to a variety of people....and don't you just love how long a graduation takes?? I am not complaining whatsoever, but they are long. Just imagine being the person who is graduating. Most of the graduates just want to get the heck out of there as fast as their limbs can take them, but instead they sit and wait for the fear that it may be taken into an account and they get in trouble, or something like that. Picture of my graduation of us tossing our caps in the air. Anyways, graduations are a time to set a new pathway. It can be sometimes sad, but it is mostly filled with joy. For any reason, graduatio...

I'm a writer.....So, what now?

Since I first ever came known to this beautiful google, I have wanted to write a blog post, but the questions always consisted of: How will I write it, or what if they absolutely hate it? However, after a sudden realization, I realized that it does not matter what people think. If you want something in life, then you should do it. I realized that if you want to be an astronaut, but yet your parents are telling you to be a doctor: Who cares, right? At the end of the day, all that should matter is what you believe, and what you want to be in life. You are in control of you and nobody else. So, I started this blog to write. I have a lot of creativity build up inside my head, but the main thing that is there is my ability to have a message. This blog is merely and morally to talk about life in general. What is life? How can I achieve my purpose in life? What if I have depression? What now? Etc... It is to teach a lesson, or whatever that means, about the things people can do to achiev...